Shourie’s PMO plan

August 23 2014

Arun Shourie may not have joined Modi’s Cabinet, but sources close to the PMO say that Sourie plays a significant role in giving a formal structure to Modi’s policies and thoughts. People have not forgotten that about eight months ago on January 23, 2014, Arun Shourie had delivered his key note address on governance at FICCI in honour of Subhash Chandra Bose’s Centenary Year. Then Shourie had clearly stated then that the way the PMO has weakened during the UPA-1 and UPA-2 tenure, powerful ministers had formed an alternative power centre, ministers were introducing departmental secretaries of their liking and were doing what they wanted when it came to running the government. Then Shourie had presented his views that if the government at the Centre was to come up to people’s expectations, it will have to deliver and just like the White House in the US, the PMO will have to be made more powerful. The reins of the government should be in the PMO’s hands, so much so that the PMO should have a say even when it comes to the appointments of minister’s secretaries and their personal staffs. Look closely and you will see that this is exactly how the Modi government is functioning without a hitch on the same Shourie formula.

  1. Sandeep k Rastogi Says:

    It seems to be true what ever claimed

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