Understanding the Modi’s mind

May 18 2014

After the results of 2014 General Elections, the BJP’s victory cries are reverberating, the Congress is worried, Nitish and Maya are out and Modi’s confidence is at an all-time high. Among the talk of Modi’s government at the Centre, there is a lot of speculation going on about how his Cabinet will be like. Associates close to Modi reveal that Modi’s government will be “less government and more governance.” Which means the Cabinet size will be small and it will be lean and mean ship. So, Modi might keep ministries such as home, surface transport, Infrastructure Development and shipping with himself. Home ministry because there may be no “number two” in Modi’s Cabinet. Modi will also pay a lot of attention to internal security, which will mean home ministry will have to be a priority. Surface transport because just like Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Modi wants a strong network of good roads running across India, wants to change the way national highways are, and somewhere, he is also aware of the toll gate scams that are going on for billions of dollars with political connivance and in the name of road development. He might also opt for shipping because thousands of miles of coastal area is just lying waste and Modi wants to develop it on the Singapore model. Another task that is a priority with Modi is the plan to connect rivers and for this, Suresh Prabhu from the Sena quota can be made water resource minister. Prabhu’s image is that of a clean and honest politician and Modi likes him personally as well.

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