Rahul’s comb, PC’s head

January 25 2014

Laughter and guffaws filled the AICC  meeting last week, when Rahul Gandhi, party vice president, during his speech, tried to use a Hindi idiom that was aimed at Opposition party BJP and its prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, “I have become a fan of his marketing skills – he is such a big salesman that he can sell a comb to someone who is bald.” The minute Rahul said it, the entire hall reverberated with laughter but he didn’t stop just there. He took a dig at Aam Aadmi Party and said, “New people have entered the arena now. Their cleverness is to such a degree that they are out to give new hairstyles to those who are bald.” The hall was filled with laughter again. The only one who didn’t laugh was P Chidambaram because he couldn’t figure out the meaning of the Hindi idioms. Ahmed Patel, Congress president’s political secretary, was sitting next to him and he explained the meaning to PC in actions and using English. By the time he understood the meaning and laughed about it, the laughter in the hall at subsided.

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