Kapil Dev’s new Innings with BJP

October 25 2017

Ever since Navjot Singh Siddhu, former cricket-star and mouth-shooting politico ditched his BJP mentors and joined the Congress, the party had been widening its radar for a charismatic and popular face in Punjab. So it is likely to counter the hard-hitting willower with the pacer Kapil Dev. It is learnt that Kapil is likely to join BJP soon and a conclusive meeting between him and the saffron high command has already taken place. The single but formidable spanner in the wheel seems to be Romi, wife of Kapil. She has sat down firmly on her demand that Kapil must replace Manohar Lal Khattar as the Haryana CM. The day the party resolves this issue, Kapil will start wearing his saffron pagri.

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