Posted on 25 July 2012 by admin
There was a time when Hamid Ansari had given up the hope of getting any post but thanks to two of his astrologers who assured him that there was nothing and no one who could stop him from becoming a Vice-president. Of these astrologers, one if a young man from Mumbai and is also close to people such as Ram Jethmalani and Sushil Kumar Shinde. The other is from Noida in the NCR region and a vaishya. Both these astrologers have also claimed that in the days to come Hamid will also become the President; how that will happen will be destiny’s work. Mr Ansari invited both astrologers to his government residence and spoke to them for hours – he wanted to know more about his future.
Posted on 25 June 2012 by admin
It is time for the First Citizen of India’s farewell. It is the farewell to her ambitions, dreams and desires. On other words, it is time to leave everything behind. But if sources are to be believed, the personal luggage and baggage that is being packed by the respected President and will be sent to three different homes in Maharashtra is shocking. A high-level army officer has been made responsible to see to it that her personal items are packed and reach safely at the proper destination. Unconfirmed reports way that as many as 20 lorries will be required to pack all that she wants to take back.
Posted on 04 June 2012 by admin
Known as the god of cricket in India, Sachin Tendulkar after all found time for the oath ceremony for his Rajya Sabha membership. He will reach Delhi on Monday and will directly make for Parliamentary Affairs Minister Rajiv Shukla’s residence at 5, Safdarjung Road. After tea and refreshments, Sachin will go with Shukla ji to the Parliament in his car. Until now, this is the news that is doing the rounds that Sachin will enter from gate number 12 keeping in mind the media and camera person’s crowd that is sure to be there, the gate may be changed. After the swearing in ceremony, Sachin will meet have a formal meeting with the vice president. That same evening, he has asked for time to meet the prime minister at 4 pm and Sachin is supposed to come back to Mumbai on Monday itself. An expert on politics and PR, Shukla has learnt many lessons from his Rekha experience. Rekha too reached directly to Rajiv Shukla’s home on the swearing-in day and from there on to the Parliament. But there was such a crowd of journalists there that she could not get out of her car for several minutes. Shukla ji is not so worried about Sachin because he knows Sachin is media friendly and knows how to deal with the media well. Shukla ji is a former journalist and Sachin has handled him well until now.