Narendra Modi wants to pull all stops to garner maximum seats for the BJP in 2014 Lok Sabha elections. He realises that without winning a huge chunk of UP’s 80 seats, it’s not possible for the BJP to go anywhere near the target of 200 seats in the polls.
So, while he himself is contemplating contesting from a safe seat from the state, he wants to field star contestants in seats where he gets the caste combination right. The name of “Dream Girl” Hema Malini for the Mathura Lok Sabha seat is doing the rounds.In this context. Modi has requested Hema to consider fighting elections from the seat where Brahmins and Jats play a decisive role. Modi feels that since Hema is a Brahmin and husband Dharamendra a Jat, fielding the “Dream Girl” could eaily add Mathura to BJP’s kitty. One just hopes that Hema does not treat Mathura the way Dharam treated Bikaner post his victory in 2004 Lok Sabha polls: Dharam Paaji barely visited the Jat-dominated Bikaner seat after winning the polls.