BJP’s Niira Radia

December 17 2010

One Niira Radia is not enough. The BJP and Congress too have their share of such people and their secret is yet to be exposed. The recent incident is about the BJP. A close friend of a veteran BJP leader, who is fondly called babuji by her, looks after the PR of an industrial house in Delhi. Using her influence, she got the company permission to build a hotel in Dehradoon. When the company started to build a road on government land, the DM would have none of it and stopped the work. The influential lady was beside herself with rage and gave the DM a mouthful. The DM went and complained about the same to the IAS Association and the matter soon reached the CM and the governor. So this veteran leader of the BJP directly threatened the state CM saying that if the road was not ready within 10 days, he would have to lose his chair. He has since been in touch with Koshyari and Khanduri. That means trouble is brewing for the party in Uttarakhand and dissatisfied voices are rearing their head yet again.

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