Son-in-law blues

November 07 2010

He’s the son-in-law of the biggest political family in India. He’s hit, fit and sporty. Late night parties are his weakness. He has already talked about his political ambitions in an interview. So, when Delhi opened a new pub, the invitation to inaugurate it went to the son-in-law. Ever punctual, he arrived on time and was made to sit on a VIP table. A few moments later, a middle-ages fashion designer sat on the same table with her young male friend. The son-in-law’s attraction drew her to the table. The fashion designer’s boyfriend – who is also a young model – was new to such Page 3 parties and was high after a few drinks. He started to make rude comments pointing out to the son-in-law. He probably didn’t know the son-in-law’s status and started to make comments about his moustache; “I don’t like this man’s moustache,” he said. The fashion designer tried hard to keep him in check but the man was uncontrollable now. The son-in-law’s limit of endurance had also been reached and by the time his security personnel could come forward and do something, the man has started to get physical with him. The bouncers in the pub threw him out but by then the son-in-law’s mood and appetite to party were ruined and he left the place.

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