Vadra From Moradabad?

April 02 2017

Just about a week ago, Priyanka Gandhi was readying the family for a trip to Ranthambore National Park. Her son was in the meanwhile recovering from his eye problem, and coincidentally, Priyanka got a new insight into things. Sources within the Gandhi family say that Priyanka invited a handful of the old family loyalists for tea. Of them, one was a fabled technocrat; the second was erstwhile a big-time journalist and editor in an important English daily newspaper. What transpired in her own chai pe charcha was this: She reminded the gathering that they have been friends of the Gandhi family since the days of her grandmother, Late Indira Gandhi. But, she said, these are rather bad times for the party. She said that she has full faith in the abilities of her dear brother Rahul. And she wants that he should be declared the party president soon and given the full responsibility of the Congress. The party will fight the 2019 general elections under him. And if that gambit fails, she herself will enter fulltime politics. Priyanka also told them that Robert Vadra (her husband) is very keen on entering active politics. She also dropped a hint that the family desires Robert to contest the Lok Sabha polls from the Moradabad constituency. It is learnt that after the tea meet ended, these loyalists went to a famous restaurant in Khan Market and unanimously lamented that even worse days are awaited for the Congress!

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