The Invisible Bureaucratic Hand behind Yogi-Priyanka impasse

May 26 2020

Realising the complexity and humanitarian aspect of the journey of the migrant workers back home, the issue is being echoed from very quarter. Congress and Priyanka Gandhi also started raising the issue prominently. Priyanka asked permission for 1000 buses from the UP govt for taking the migrant workers to their native places. At first sight UP CM didn’t find anything political in the proposal and he took the tweet by Priyanka Gandhi casually. It is here that a senior bureaucrat intervened in the matter who was miffed with UP Congressman Gaurav Pandhi for raising question on his wife, a prominent folk singer, being a permanent feature in every big govt function through a tweet. Pandhi had hinted that the singer wife got the assignments due to her relationship with the senior bureaucrat. Sources say that the senior bureaucrat revealed his heart burn to CM Yogi due to his proximity. CM asked him to take necessary action on the bus matter. After getting CM’s nod the senior bureaucrat asked Congress to send all 1000 buses to Lucknow by 10 pm the same night where their fitness was to be checked. Congress suggested that since the buses were supposed to enter UP from Noida border so even the fitness tests should also be done at Noida. The senior bureaucrat refused this and on the contrary registered a case against UP Congress chief Ajay Kumar Lallu sighting that approx 150 two & three wheelers registration numbers were found in the list of 1000 buses submitted by Congress,m which he regarded infringement of lockdown and fraud on part of Congress.  

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