The Centre is looking for new Lokpal

January 25 2014

Manmohan Singh’s government at the Centre has started looking for the appointment of a new Lokpal with vigour. The Parliament session starts on February 5, and it is possible that the session will go on until 22. The Central government will try that in the given time, the meeting to decide the jury for the Lokpal should be over with. It is worth mentioning here that the prime minister, the Lok Sabha speaker, The leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha and chief justice of Supreme Court will be present at the meeting. The names that are ahead in the race for the Lokpal’s post include Supreme Court Chief Justice P.Sathasivam, former Chief Justice Altamas Kabir, former Chief Justice S H Kapadia and Justice D K Jain. Because the current Chief Justice P.Sathasivam is a part of the panel that will choose the jury, he can either recommend his own name or decide to withdraw his nomination.


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