Naidu’s Panic

March 19 2017

BJP party boss Amit Shah and his entourage could not take part in the oath-taking ceremony of the Manipur CM. the reason is that the chartered plane they were flying in developed a technical snag by the time it flew into Agra. Shah was sent back to Delhi. With him on the flight were senior party leader Venkaiah Naidu and others. Word from the plane reached us that the moment the technical snag developed and the plane started jolting, Naidu’s face went pale and he admitted to Shah that this is the ninth time that a plane in which was flying had developed a technical problem. At which another party colleague quipped, “Oh God, then it is dangerous to fly with you!” To manage the situation, though, the Shah of BJP said that his horoscope says he will never have a problem in flying, so anyone flying with him is safe, which brought some relief to the panicking passengers!

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