Nitish’s nagging pains

May 04 2014

In the days to come, Nitish Kumar’s good days may become not-so-good days. All public opinion surveys are claiming that in the coming polling for General Elections, Nitish’s  JD (U) may have to content itself with merely one-two Lok Sabha seats. On the other hand, Lalu and BJP’s clout may increase. Sources reveal that if the JD (U) indeed performs so poorly in the elections, Nitish’s government may fall. Apart from this, two court cases may also cause trouble for Nitish. One of them includes the fodder scam, in which Lalu was proclaimed guilty and Nitish was let go for lack of proper evidence. Apart from this, when Nitish was the railway minister under the NDA rule, an alleged sleeper scam took place under his tenure. When Lalu became the railway minister later, he handed over the files related to the case to the CBI. An advocate in Bihar A P Singh filed public-interest litigations about the matter and has collected some solid evidence in the court about these cases. The advocate claims that Nitish might be found guilty in both cases because the court has accepted his litigation and the sleeper scam matter may be presented in the court this July.


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