Flying Pilot

September 18 2017

Rajasthan Congress chief Sachin Pilot’s name too was there in the list of party leaders like Milind Deora and Shashi Tharoor accompanying Rahul Gandhi to US. But, he backed out at the last moment citing urgent business back home. When Rahul himself spoke to Sachin, latter told him about the impending Lok Sabha by-election for Ajmer which fell vacant due to Sanwar Mal Jat’s death. Besides, farmers’ agitation too is going on in Sikar and Shekhawati areas. He also told Rahul that he had already activated all his contacts in the US and passed them on to Rahul’s core team. Rahul jokingly told Sachin, “No doubt you are doing a good job. But, don’t forget that path to Rajasthan passes through Delhi only’.

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