CBI to investigate Vyapam?

August 03 2014

The heat is on in Madhya Pradesh’s Vyapam Scam and the matter is something that Delhi’s Nizam knows about. Sources reveal that in the days to come, the Central government is going to hand over the investigations to the CBI so that the grain is separated from the chaff and everything becomes clearer. When UPA-II was in power, the IB was taking extra interest in the scam; IB Chief Asif Ibrahim is known to be close to Digvijay Singh. In any case, Asif Ibrahim has an old Congress connection; he has even been Late Madhav Rao Scindia’s personal secretary, too. It is clear that Diggy Raja must have an extra interest in Shivraj and Suresh (Soni). So he wanted the matter to gain importance and it happened like that, too. But who is gaining from all this? The Shahanshah?

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