A perturbed Paswan

August 09 2015

The Assembly elections might be round the corner but the BJP just won’t be bothered to pay attention to its coalition parties. In the light of the coming elections in Bihar, the saffron party is also looking for new partners. These are just a few things that are not agreeable to Ram Vilas Paswan, a coalition partner with the Central government. His grouse is that whenever he tries to talk to the Central party leaders about seat sharing for Bihar, the BJP high command sends an instruction saying he should first gather crowds for Modi’s rallies. Sources say Paswan is also peeved because BJP President Amit Shah is paying more attention to politicians such as Jiten Ram Manjhi and Pappu Yadav. At the same time, heavyweight leaders are busy courting people such as Anand Mohan’s wife Lovely Anand, and Sunil Pandey to join the BJP. BJP’s top leadership also wants the decision of seat sharing with allies should be taken around September 10, and this irks a politician like Paswan.

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