Failed ministers

May 28 2010

Mamta’s rail is failing because these days her only agenda is to get Trinamool back on the tracks via Bengal. Her own party is facing a rebellious situation and several MPs from her party have raised the banner of revolt against her leadership – the name of Kabir Suman is known to all. Bute there are several other names where the uneasiness is quite perceptible. There was a stampede at New Dehi railway station and several innocent people lost their lives. In such a situation, there was a very strong statement from Mamta that since she does not have a house in Delhi, so she resides in Kolkata. She has caused quite a bit of embarrassment to the UPA Government. Earlier on the issue of language, the stance of Azhagiri was quite rigid and now Mamta has added fuel to the fire. Now the Opposition insists that it would be better if the Manmohan Government also conducts its Cabinet meetings through video conferencing because the homes of most of its ministers are outside Delhi.

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