Dimple vs Aparna

August 31 2014

Mulayam Singh Yadav’s second son Prateek Yadav may not have made a foray into the political scene as yet, but seeing his wife Aparna’s active role in social work these days, it is clear how ready she is for a role in active politics. Akhilesh and Prateek’s wives have one thing in common – they both belong to Uttarakhand; both sons had love marriages. Akhilesh’s wife may be a member of Parliament, but now whenever Aparna goes out, she has a similarly large entourage. During the ‘Be Aware campaign’ in Lucknow schools, Aparna could be seen in a teacher’s role and not only did the give the girl students a few tips on self-defense but also gave a long lecture on how to conduct oneself.

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