Chidambaram the boss

January 29 2010

Home Minister P. Chidambaram is being described as a Minister who takes decisions. Congress people themselves say that in 1980 when Giani Zail Singh was the Union Home Minister, he was famous for taking independent decisions. Now Chidambaram is also working on the same lines. Following 26/11 he so fell out with M.K. Narayanan that he forced the latter’s exit. Chidambaram has also made it clear that now the Home Secretary would not report to the National Security Adviser. Ideally, the time has come to ask if Mr. Chidambaram is taking forward the agenda set during the NDA regime? Because during NDA rule, Advani had created a flutter by stating that there was a need to rearrange the Home Ministry and that an Internal Security Ministry should be set up separately.

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