Kashmiri leaders may be betrayed by their own

January 17 2011

The three prominent leaders of Jammu and Kashmir – Sayyed Ali Gilani, Mehbooba Mufti Sayeed and Yasin Malik may become victims of the new strategy of the Pakistani detective agency ISI. Extremely confidential documents of RAW and IB have revealed that the ISI may get them killed to incite more riots. They will also want to put the blame of the Indian Army in one way of the other so that people take to the streets against the killings. The real people behind the death of Abdul Ghani Lone are coming to light when his own sons Sajjad Lone and Bilal Lone (also leaders of the Hurriyat Conference) spoke on Ghani’s eleventh death anniversary and said he had been killed by their own. The security for these three leaders have been increased but it is equally important to defang the ISI.

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